What with temperatures climbing all across the country, air conditioner units everywhere are really starting to kick on. One problem many people face is being in rooms or areas where there is no air conditioning (AC) or heat. This is when a portable AC and heat unit really come into play nicely.
One leading company in the marketplace specializes in helping to cool such spaces as factories, warehouses, offices, and any commercial space, places where a portable AC and heat unit provides must-needed air comfort.
This company created a whole new industry by introducing the world’s first portable cooling product in 1982. They now align with the world’s largest manufacturer of AC systems.
Popular models of portable cooling systems include:
- Classic Series
- Climate Pro X Series: Designed for warehouse and industrial applications
- Climate Pro K Series: Work extremely well in computer rooms and offices
This company’s website is very user-friendly and helpful. It can help narrow down the specific needs of customers with just a little provided information. It can, for example, make recommendations on cooling options ranging from primary cooling systems, supplemental cooling, or spot cooling.
Some of the more popular areas this company provides goods and services to include:
- Warehousing and industrial processes
- Construction sites
- Events and outdoors
- Electronics and computer rooms
- Automotive service and repair
- Healthcare
- Offices and schools
MovinCool, known worldwide as “the #1 portable cooling system”, provides all these portable air cooling systems and more. To find out more about what they have to offer, go to movincool.com.